Research at TrAC: Driving Progress Through Innovative Projects

At the Translational AI Center (TrAC) at Iowa State University, our commitment to pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence research is evident in the projects we undertake. As a leading research center, TrAC is powered by federally funded projects, showcasing our capacity to garner support and drive initiatives that have wide-reaching impacts.

In addition to this, our collaboration with industry leaders has paved the way for the establishment of the TrAC Seed Grant Process. This initiative, a direct result of our strong industry ties, empowers individual Principal Investigators (PIs) by offering grants of up to $20,000. These seed grants aim to stimulate groundbreaking research, supporting proposals that resonate with TrAC’s objectives and promise substantial advancements in the field of AI.

To learn more about our industry members and the incredible support they provide, visit our Partners page.

We believe that research thrives when it’s backed by both, robust funding and an environment that encourages innovation. At TrAC, we are proud to offer both, giving our researchers the resources they need to make significant contributions to the world of artificial intelligence.