TrAC Training on Intro to Cloud-based Deep Learning

The TrAC @ Iowa State University along with will host a day long hybrid workshop on Introduction to Cloud-based Deep Learning. This workshop will introduce you to concepts in cloud, containerization, and GPU computing with Python. We will demonstrate a simple deep learning application problem using public research cyberinfrastructure with version control systems and containerization. Agenda Intro Workshop […]

Demystifying Trending AI Techniques

Demystifying Trending AI Techniques About Instructor Aditya Balu is currently a Data Scientist at the Translational AI Center at Iowa State University, where he is working on generative designs physics-aware […]

A Deep Dive into Deep Learning: Architectures and Algorithms

The TrAC @ Iowa State University along with Midwest Big Data Summer School and will host a day long workshop on Deep Learning Architectures and Algorithms. Abstract In this tutorial, we will be covering the theory and practical implementation of modern deep learning algorithms. We divide the tutorial into two sessions. The first session covers the building blocks of neural […]

Demystifying Trending AI Techniques

Join us for a four-hour tutorial exploring current AI techniques and innovative approaches with the potential to reshape various domains. A tentative list of topics includes:  Registration: To register for […]

Prompt Engineering and Retrieval Augmented Generation

This intensive 8-hour tutorial will provide a hands-on introduction to two of the most important techniques for getting the most out of large language models: prompt engineering and retrieval augmented […]