TrAC will focus on core AI research and its translational applications to various domains. The center will initially focus on conducting core artificial intelligence research, as well as pursuing five application areas of artificial intelligence.
Pre-Award Resources
- Goldsheet preparation and submission
- Budget and Budget Justification support
- Uploading documents to the appropriate application websites
- Collecting and reviewing personnel documents including
- Biosketch
- Current and Pending
- Collaborators and Other Affiliates
- Collecting letters of support
- Subrecipient management
- Collaborations with the Grants Hub and OSPA
- 1. AI + X Research Experience for Undergraduates – contact Jason Wiegand (
- 2. Training and Workforce Development (including the Micro-Credential Program) – see Events page
- 3. Working in Agriculture and AI – Lead by Dr. Arti Singh, Agronomy, Working in Agriculture and AI (WIAA) beings together faculty and graduate students working in the application of AI in agricultural problems with a goal to increase participation in AI in Ag and related disciplines. Under the guidance of faculty, graduate students in WIAA develop and implement AI themed K12-K16 activities including science nights, summer camps and AI themed quiz clubs, workshops and tours. WIAA can translate tools and techniques developed in AI in Ag related research to a broad audience. – connect with Jessica Bell (