Julie Dickerson

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University TrAC_Julie_11112021

Aditya Ramamoorthy

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University https://youtu.be/eLB0sLLBaso

Oliver Kroemer

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Robotics Institute https://youtu.be/fpa6jo2ci7A

Hailiang Liu

Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University https://youtu.be/Yk34D_PEpCo

Jue Yan

Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University https://youtu.be/qhXcznVe_U8

Shana Moothedath

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University https://youtu.be/TjvD8ylGNJk

Mark Ryan

Wageningen Economic Research https://youtu.be/jUM0clB72Ao

Alicia Carriquiry

Department of Statistics, Iowa State University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyOCqN_Tb8s